Being the all-knowing comic shop staff that they are, the Orbital men were familiar with the tale and, even if they weren't wholly convinced by the sheer excellence of the story itself, they had to acknowledge that this Sienkiewicz cover is a barnstormer.

It's a sequel to What If #13, a comic in which Conan finds himself stranded in 1970's New York by an evil sorcerer. He meets a nice looking female cabbie, bones her and then makes his escape back to the Hyperborean age by waving some ancient artifact or other in front of a bolt of lightning that hits the roof of the Guggenheim museum.
All well and good, but...what if Conan was jumped by a bunch of cops BEFORE the lightning hit him?
That's where What If #43 comes in...

Of course Conan doesn't hang around in police custody for long and, after escaping the fuzz, he does what any barbarian on the run would do and heads straight for the red light district...

It's at this moment that we are presented with THE most incredible costume change in the HISTORY of Marvel comics...
Yes he's got a pink leopard on the end of that lead.
And yes, that does indeed make him the motherfucking BOMB!
Or at least I think so. Sadly his beeatch is less than impressed...

Look again Ho...

But she doesn't want him, and in a sad move Conan ditches the threads (and the leopard) to concentrate on building his empire of crime. His first step is to get a crew together. Not just any crew either. He goes straight to the baddest gang leader in NYC.

Being a fair minded man, Conan offers his rival the chance to hand over the keys to his kingdom and take on a role as his number two. It's an offer that doesn't go down well...

"The strength of Africa" is no match for the "Fear from Ymir" though...

and soon Conan is commanding his very own awesome army...

Tough looking gang - apart from the blokes at either end who appear to have modelled their outfits on these two...

But I digress. This phase in Conan's life is almost as cool as his pink leopard period. He steals stuff, beats people up, gets a protection racket going and drinks lots of beer. It's a good living, but Conan wants MORE and sets up a daring raid on a museum.
To cut a long story short, the raid is going fine until a hitherto unseen and frankly rather camp member of Conan's gang accidentally smashes a display case with his scabbard...

Dropping his Cup 'o' Cap the Sentinel of Liberty hurries to the scene of the crime. And this is where What If provides the proof that barbarian/super hero crossovers can be cool. How? With a five page fight scene of course! And what a fight it is. A fight where Cap punches

and kicks Conan

until the barbarian's head "rings like an iron bell"

And he punches back, and when the punching doesn't work, he grabs a fucking huge sword and hacks off Cap's arm!

Conan can't get their testosterone fueled romp out of his head either and is soon sending word that he wants another tussle with the now healed Cap. Everything seems set for round two...

The cop pulls the trigger, but...

Wait! Did Captain America just ask Conan to join the Avengers? I think he did. How fantastic would that be?
As far as I know it's a story yet to be told, but The Watcher (who handles these things) says he may tell it one day.

what if cap let the next coke dealing maniac he meets into the avengers?
how odd..
was this a dry run for the whole Micha Synn Daredevil story arc? wasnt that drug dealing barbarians or something. The cover does rock.
You know I think they both came out around the same time. Perhaps there was something in the air.
I bought that What If #43 at one of the old comic marts in Central Hall across the road from Westminster Abbey (I think 1984???). Was one of my favourite covers back then and still is.
yeah, i feel like going to one of those comic marts again.. but only out of a sense of nostalgia... and also exercising my new adult wallet.. i think the micha synn stuff is well later than 1984. micah is in the run up to the frank miller mazuchelli run.. possibly the best daredevils ever
I just found this site. Conan did appear on the Avengers for one panel in Avengers Forever 12.
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