It was my birthday yesterday. I got The Rocketeer collected edition and Robert Crumb's Illustrated Book of Genesis. Yay! We all know The Bible is fucked up, right? I've never read it though. Now that some of it's available as a comic I'm giving it a shot. It's worse than I thought it was going to be. Check out this sick shit...

Happy birthday?
And don't judge Lot – he survived Sodom and Gommorah. If my wife was turned into a pillar of salt I'd probably get wasted and sleep with my daughters too.
Im not sure what it would take for me to sleep with my daughters... Perhaps possession by and alien entity... So I guess I rank above Den?
Wife..? Salt..? Sleeping with your daughters..? Doesnt quite seem logical progression...
Fuck me.. its the Bible, logic you aint gonna find.
My original intention when posting this was to juxtapose it with Crunb's infamous incest strip from the 60s. I decided that that strip was just too nasty to scan in so I didn't. You know the one I mean though, right?
I think i know the 60s picture you're referring to despite all the mind bleach I've deployed to try to blot it out
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