Sunday, 20 July 2008

A few links

Hey! I know what'd be good, a picture of Judge Dredd carrying a starving Ethiopian!

No food citizen?
The sentence is DEATH!

Personally I think the expression on that skull's face says it all, but if you think this Ron Smith effort is in fact a heart rending and worthy work of art then you can buy it HERE


Apparently everyone who knows anything about comics is already aware that Jack Kirby wrote and drew a Prisoner comic. Well fuck me! I had no idea until yesterday...

Check it out HERE

Read about it HERE


Teeside Tintin. Patchy? Yes. But it does have some genuinely hilarious moments. Epsiodes 1 - 25 below....

More on Youtube if you can cope.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks for the Ultimates info. I picked up the Vol 1 trade and really enjoyed it. Took me a while to get into it but by the end I was hooked. Going to get Vol 2 this week.