Lisbon was pleasant enough, a few too many hills for my fat old form to cope with, but the weather was good and the old ladies like babies a LOT, a fact which helped keep my one-year old entertained at bus stops.
Ploughed my way through The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Black Dossier (not as good as vols I+II. But it's Alan Moore, so you know, it's still brilliant), but other than that had scant opportunity to read. Still, I did have a brief moment of sequential fun on the Lisbon metro, bagging some snaps of the wall of Oriente station which features a spiffing selection of water based comic shenanigans.
I recognised a couple of the covers
Conan #98...

and, somewhat bizarrely, Alpha Flight #14...

Can't place these Namor swipes though...

If anyone knows what cover(s) they're from I'd be interested to know.
Off to the West End tomorrow to fill up on two week's worth of single issues and meet Big Dave F for a beer or two and a yarn. For now though I have to cut the rambling short and hit the sack. Toooooo tired. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
There's also a wall near that station with almost every single character from DC and Marvel. Being a comic nerrd myself, there are some that I even don't recognise.
oooh, thanks dc. Any pics or links to pics?
I'll send them by e-mail. I have to find them first.
Finally I found an image:
It's the only one I found online. You can't see much but it has many characters. It's in the entrance of Hotel Vip Executive Art's. It's in the same area of the Oriente Station but far away than I thought.
I'll see if anyone I know from Lisbon have some photos.
(sorry for my grammar)
This looks like Erro's work. While it is nice subject matter, it appears the man himself is full of shit. And Brian Bolland isn't a fan.
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