The eagle-eyed and downright sad amongst you will notice that I've replaced last week's star rating system with a simple exclamation mark to indicate the items which I MUST have above all others. New League (natch), Invincible vol #10 (Trade waiting magic) and Tales Designed to Thrizzle as recommended by Graham Linehan (of Father Ted writing fame) and Mike Sterling (The internet's finest blogger of comics).
I'm also quite hyped for Spidey after Mark Waid livened things up with a couple of wisecracking issues, and Uzumaki Vol#2 which I've still not read despite telling you how ace volume #1 was.
I suspect that quite a few of those titles will necessitate a visit to Gosh, which is always nice. While I'm in the West End I might try and pick up those two Starro JLA comics I was on about yesterday, which will of course mean visiting Comicana and Orbital AND Since I'll be in the area it would be rude not to give the role playing games in FP a poke with my Rod of Nostalgic Ruin. Yay!
1 comment:
We should meet up one Thursday night and chew the fat, although I'll embarrass myself horribly by not knowing that much about comics.
That said, you may do you comics shopping on Saturdays... Hmmm.
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