My good friend and Raindance Film Festival nominee Mr Wheatley...

I saw this photo on HIS WEBSITE, and thought of this...
Been playing it at top volume all day.
Well done son, and good luck!
As for me...I'm wankered and out of a job (the two are connected*). On holiday for a week now, so no updates for a wee bit. Soz.
*Sober update extra! When I say the two are connected, I mean I got pissed at my leaving do, not that I was fired for being drunk!
1 comment:
The best original comic shop was Dark they Are and Dolden Eye. When they closed they had an auction of their stock. I standing next to a guy who muttered it is too rich for me. I asked what was he hoping to do. He said buy stock to open Co ic Showcase. I said that he was interested I could fund the purchase if I could have the pick of they stock. We bought the lot. I was able to start my collection of mainly Marvel. I now have a collection of 4 x 4 draws of double stacked comics. I had a standing order of new comics at the original Forbidden Planet. I stopped in the mid 1980s. Now have many early comics such as Avengers 1-12,X-Men 1, 94 @and GS1 and Iron Man 1.
Sorry to see so many shops. Losed
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