That huge 2000AD collection I've just been given is incredible. All of the progs have been really well looked after, many have their free gifts attached, loads still have the promotional inserts. So I have the Dredd badge on Prog 300, sticker books for He-Man and Dune WITH unopened packets of stickers + a bunch of vintage Sinclair Spectrum promo inserts. Amazing stuff.
Want to know what's even more amazing?

How do you like those white plastic vampire fang eggs, eh? That's right chums, stuffed at the bottom of one of the crates was one of THE holy grails of modern British comics, Scream #1 WITH free gift! I've mentioned this treasure briefly before, suffice to say it's rare. BUT, it wasn't the only extra included with this incredible haul. I also got this...

an issue of '80s fanzine Arken Sword, which as you can see sports a rather fine Brian Bolland Judge Dredd/American Flagg cover and includes rare interviews with Bolland, Alan Moore and Howard Chaykin. Awesome doesn't begin to describe it.
But wait...there's more! All the 2000AD summer specials going back to 1985! Those mint condition Dice Man comics I mentioned yesterday, the complete Ron Smith Daily Star strips, a couple of old Ninja Turtles comics, a Thunderbirds special from 1983 and some promo photos for Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade(?!).
I'm honestly overwhelmed by it all. Magic.
1 comment:
I loved ARK and still have most of my collection. There was some fantastic art in them, perceptive interviews, (with people including Grant 'It's tragically easy to write a better comic than Tony Isabella' Morrison, Kyle Baker, Matt Wagner and Geoff Darrow) and some excellent writing. I was especially fond of Peter Dillon Parkin's rants, which I think I read at just the right impressionable age to find them memroable and occasionally profound.
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