What with the chaos which moving house brings, I'm currently building up a backlog of unread comics. This is a worrying situation and, given that a fresh batch of steaming
sequentialism hits the racks tomorrow, one that is unlikely to improve any time soon.
One of these days I'll clear the decks, until then the following books will just have to join the teetering stacks in my new comic room...
GREEN LANTERN CORPS #23So yeah, that rather dull
Boudica story that took up the last couple of issues of The Corps is done with and we can get back to some
Sinestro Corps War goodness. It's still going on? Well sort of.
WONDER WOMAN #19This new arc seems like it could be rather
similar to Gail Simone's first arc, only this time instead of talking apes we've got aliens. Still, a Green Lantern did pop up at the end of the last issue so obviously I'm sold.
SUBURBAN GLAMOUR #4Pretty pictures abound in this cross between
Hollyoaks and Pan's
Labyrinth. The art is the real draw, but I've enjoyed the words well enough. This is the last issue, but worth picking up when it's released as a trade if you've missed it.
AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #556Shiiiiiit! I'm three or four issues behind on this now and another one's turning up. Perhaps this is the point to jump off. Once the inevitable Secret Invasion crossovers start I might bin it anyway, after all I have no intention of even trying to follow the
Skrull stuff. If you ask me that
Bendis fella needs to be writing LESS not MORE. It's obvious that he's churning out too many comics. I'm now reading precisely NOTHING that he writes and I certainly have no need to get mixed up in his huge multi-title spanning money spinner of an event.
CRIMINAL 2 #2 Aaah, the good stuff! Not a superhero in sight either.
FANTASTIC FOUR #556 Given that this is where they first reared their pointy eared little heads, I guess it would be unreasonable to hope that this book doesn't get invaded by the secret
Skrulls. Oh well I'll keep reading it anyway, because it's by
Millar and Hitch and they make some good comics.
BLACK SUMMER #5 AUXILIARY Have I already got this? I can't fucking remember. The Auxiliary bit on the end suggests it's some sort of reprint. Obviously I'm not buying it if I've already read it.
JENNA JAMESON'S SHADOW HUNTER #2 I'm not buying this unless it's got any pictures worth wanking over.
Issue #1 didn't.