Monday, 31 August 2009
Disney buys Marvel!
Random book in Hackney road

Sunday, 30 August 2009
Friday, 28 August 2009
Thursday, 27 August 2009

Tuesday, 25 August 2009
Since when did Mr Fantastic look like a Chippendale?

Monday, 24 August 2009
We stayed all day
Sunday, 23 August 2009
Bizzare transport choices of the super-villains #34

Saturday, 22 August 2009
Saturday morning stuff
Jonathan Ross. He knows quite a bit about comics. Hear him prove it with this interview on the Geek Syndicate podcast.

"Okay True Believers – Gaze into Big D’s Magic Pot of Sacred memories.
I think comic collectors of our Vintage have a huge weakness for nostalgia…
Memories of spandex clad adventures mingled with the evocative funk of old paper, the distant, but o-so intense tactile sensations of pulling comics, gently… lovingly from their plastic sleeves at the late Comic Showcase and being chastised by its grumpy troll like inhabitant. The half-a-playing card for the mandatory deposit of your bag at LTS (later Paradise Alley) off
In fact, let me digress, my childhood memories are replete with really fucking rude comic shop owners. I remember many moons past a Comic & Vintage magazine shop in Parkway in
And who among you remembers the crazy old guy at
I suppose at our age we can take comfort that these antecedent comic store bully boys are now lonely, grey, fat, balding, bespectacled, patchouli smelling, amorphous Lovecraftian blobs in Che Guevara T-shirts and an ear-ring.
As if that should be payback enough. I still would love the sweet taste of revenge. (God I am a terrible fucka for wanting revenge!) A dish best served cold? Fuck me, how fucking perfect would that be, meeting them 25 years later:
‘Oi you cunt… Remember me? You used to be rude to me in that comic store where I used to spend all my money…Yeah that’s right… Look into my eyes… make the connection… Lets see you be rude now you fucking mug! WALLOP! Fakkin Caaaant!
Aaaah it gives me a semi just thinking about it…
I am sorry I have digressed far too much when all I meant to do is relive some comic nostalgia.
Feast your eyes on this (rather recent) splash of Kirbyesque hordes!
Fucking love em!
Now Hulk Annual 5 (1976) was a real treat. Although Sal Buscema provided pencils and Jack Abel inked the majority of the comic, the cover was pure Kirby. 64 fucking pages of Hulk trading with 6 of the best golden age Kirby monsters. Groot, Blip, Goom, Taboo… Fucking genius...
Now, you may or may not know Xemnu the Living Titan, unless you’ve either read vintage Hulk or Defenders. This dude seemed to have a real grudge against the Hulk for some reason. But aah! Digging further into the Marvel mists of time I finally see why…
Journey into Mystery 63 has us witnessing the first ever comic entity being headlined as The Hulk. Although in orange fur and looking more like Sasquatch, its definitely our good friend Xemnu...
I'm sure I'm not the first to discover this, but I was quite thrilled to make the connection. It’s a gem of a story, with The Hulk, as he was then known, being nursed back to health after a crash landing, by an unsuspecting propane gas salesman, and then for good measure hypnotising the entire world population, in order that they build him a rocket to get back to his home planet, before he destroys the Earth…. Fun ensues…
So, there you have it. Kirby is great, so are his monsters, and the accolade for being the first ever Hulk goes to Xemnu. Who has obviously had it in for the Green Usurper ever since.
I hope the trip, or perhaps stumble, down memory lane was as fun for you as it was for me… Big D out."
Friday, 21 August 2009
Shopping List
Thursday, 20 August 2009
Wednesday, 19 August 2009
The Horror!
Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Saturday, 15 August 2009
The greatest day!
Friday, 14 August 2009

Thursday, 13 August 2009
Good Times
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
Off the stack

Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Monday, 10 August 2009
Port Blacksand and Khare

Sunday, 9 August 2009
Expensive Archives/Nerd Tantrums
Saturday, 8 August 2009
Thursday, 6 August 2009
Big Dave F talks Rulk
"Okay, okay… Red Hulk reviews… Looks like I better step up to the plate.
Every muggy bonehead tried telling me: Dave we don’t like intelligent Hulk. Dave we like old Hulk. Dave we like Hulk smash! If indeed we like Hulk at all…. (which many of you don’t… I understand and accept that… You stupid fucking tossers!)
Well…. Yeah… Truth be known so do I. Dave like old Hulk. But if you like ice cream you don’t condemn a new flavour until you’ve tried it… Hmmm Cherry flavoured Hulk. Fuck Yeah… From the moment I read the first comic I knew it was gonna be a total no-brainer.
What a reinvention! Rick Jones as a weird new Abomination?! Hulk using guns?! Not knowing if Red Hulk really was Banner?! (I mean the Hulk has been split into multiple manifests many times before) Could I accept this?
I don’t condone violence against women, but that Art Adams splash of Red Hulk hitting She-Hulk so hard her tits look like the’re gonna explode...well, I knew this was the comic for me. And fear not true believers the things we know and love are still happening: Ol Walrus face Ross is still pulling out his grey hair, Doc Samson is still the jealous little ‘I wanna be as strong as the hulk’ guy, Banner is still the troubled physicist, and green Hulk is back to being his lovely childlike self. But true to the best vintage Hulk comics, everyone and I mean everyone is throwing themselves at the Red Hulk (Just like they used to do at the green Hulk)… A king sized smash fest in almost every issue! Aaaah, nostalgia… I could almost smell the mouldy back issues from LTS.
Very, very silly moments ensue from issues 1-12, but they are priceless moments. Moments that have you saying: can they really do that? What the fuck! Oh come on!
I must admit I nearly tore the comic in two when Red Hulk broke green Hulk's arm and choked him unconscious. But I read on and have come to believe that Red Hulk has gotta be one of the best things to come out of Marvel in a long time.
Knocking out the Watcher. Beheading Terrax. Breaking Silver Surfer's neck. Yes, these things actually happen…
Oh Yeah and the Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk series has finally been concluded.
Was it good?: Quite
Was it worth waiting 3 years for?: No
Nothing is worth waiting 3 years for unless it turns up, apologises, take off its clothes, (bar the red stilettos), and then sucks your cock like it's suffocating and your balls are full of oxygen…"
There you go, London Loves Comics: first for all your mildly misogynistic, Hulk related fetishes.
Thanks for the email Dave.
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
Shopping List
Female Force #5 Princess Diana: Look, I'm probably not going to buy this, it's obviously going to be shit. The question is, will it be funny shit or just godawful shit. Godawful I imagine. Besides, the important stuff has already been covered
Irredeemable #5: Whining hero gone bad. Shades of The Authority and MiracleMan. S'good though. This is a special cheapo issue (50p or summat) which is accompanied by a cut price trade of the first four issues. Smart move by BOOM! If you haven't already, give it a go.
Final Crisis Aftermath Run #4: Christ on a shitting bike, I've got a huge pile of these Aftermath titles to get through now. Fucking ridiculous. I did read and enjoy issue #1 of this. It was a pleasing meta-textual heavy romp through the world of superhero comic violence. At least I think it was. I was most likely high when I read it.
House Of Mystery #16: Another one I'm woefully behind on. Started buying it out of some unhealthy sense of nostalgia for the title. Quite enjoyed the Vertigo quirkiness at first, but got a little bit fed up of it after a while. S'ok, haven't a fucking clue what it all means though.
Superman World Of New Krypton #6
Chew #3: All those people paying hundreds of pounds for issue #1 are going to be fucked off if this suddenly goes shit on us. No sign of that happening after an excellent second issue. On to number #3.
Jersey Gods #6: This is every bit as good as Chew, but no-one's buying it. High cosmic spliced with low rom com. Intelligent writing. Crackling good art. One I look forward to.
All Winners Comics #1: These 70th Anniversary specials from Marvel have been really good. You lucky people who've been ignoring them are going to have a very nice trade to pick up when all's said and done. The only sad thing about all these golden age revamps is that they make me wistful for The Twelve.
Tuesday, 4 August 2009
Sunday, 2 August 2009

Saturday, 1 August 2009
Wednesday Comics Part IV